Tuesday, September 13, 2005

24 Hours of Adrenalin @ McDowell Mountain Park

We were planning on having Ty and a junior mountain bike team do their 1st 24 hour MTB race this year at McDowell. However; with all the confusion to weather the event was going to be on this year or not, we will not be doing the event. We do plan on doing the Soul Ride together in October and then the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo in February next year.

Here is an email from the 24HOA on the AZ event...

From: "info@twenty4sports.com"
Date: 2005/09/13 Tue PM 12:11:42 EDT
Subject: 24 Hours of Adrenalin - McDowell Mountain Park

Dear past adrenalin participants,

First let me apologize to all of you that have participated in the past and look forward to racing again this year. Communication from me has been very poor and I can?t expect you to understand my struggles, the majority of you just want a fun, safe event. The workload of twelve is now only shared by two (full time). Since the lawsuit, what has happened is reality and we face entirely different challenges as we try to move forward. We cannot provide the level of customer service we once could and that is disappointing to me. We are unable to develop (finance) new events from scratch, nor continue losing money at the expense of other events. All we can do is try our best, for some that will be enough and other not.

I understand from your point of view that a lot goes into planning your team?s effort. Now that registration is turned on for the McDowell event I will need to look at registration very closely. Last year 297 riders showed up and if we are unable to double that number, we can?t host the event. I will be reviewing daily to see if we are financially able to be responsible and will make a definitive decision a week from today basis on the 7 day trend. Any teams that sign up are guaranteed a 100% full refund (within a week of such announcement) if the event is cancelled.

If we reach the numbers necessary to host this year?s event, I will provide each team captain with a 15% discount coupon for next year?s event.

Please note that during the next 30 days we are hosting two events and attending Interbike and will unlikely be in a position to communicate directly with you. We will attempt to communicate with our batch email system as best we can.

Stuart Dorland
Founder24 Hours of Adrenalin - 1994

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