Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Road to the MTB National Championships

We loaded up the car left our house for Mammoth Lake, CA at 6PM yesterday. The plan was to drive as far as possible tonight and either get a hotel or just sleep in our Honda Element. Dad had a full thermos of New Mexico Pinion Blend coffee and he was ready to go. Our friends, the Edwards, tipped us off to this coffee and Dad just loves it. You can buy it at your local Trader Joes.

Ty laid back and went to sleep around 9:30PM. Dad plugged the headset into the iPod, poured another cup of coffee and set the cruise control. The trip went very smooth with little to no traffic. Driving at night has its perks if you can stay awake. Around 2AM, Dad had enough and pulled into a rest stop at Coso Junction. We were only 140 miles outside of Mammoth, but better safe than sorry. Dad laid the seats down and caught some much needed Z's. Ty woke up long enough to figure out that we had stopped and went right back to sleep.

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